Friday, April 20, 2007

NO MORE dim sum

i ain't gonna have dim-sum, no more not for the next 2 months. they make me puke. & i'm serious, they will. so dim-sum is done. shopping too(: ! but never enough. heh heh. met mydinosaur ard 2pm. i dilly-delly from 11 to 1.30pm; a whole 2 1/2 hrs. i've changed like countless times of tops, ard 4 times for pants, 4 times for bras u shld wear diff kind when u're wearing diff tops & even my eye shadow clr. i'm so indecisive today! i even took my own sweet time for putting my mascara. & tt left me leaving e house without a sweater & my uncle's letters which mum wanted me to pass him. i was late too. :x
wenta china square t have our dim-sum buffet hi-tea, cantonese style. after about 45mins, we were choked full. there were so much get rid of them, we did many dirty tricks. for me, i chewed and spit out some, 'minced' some, hid some underneath the unwanted stuffs. mydinosaur hid some & also pretended to drop on the floor. LOL. fortunately, the restuarant was empty. otherwise we will be discovered. he ate 2 bowls of ice-cream after the discarding, & we left for town.
i've bought a new top(((: . wanted to get the black skinny jeans. but the cutting was way too skinny. so weird. asked for a bigger size but no more)): . mydinosaur didnt get himself anythg except his watch. haha. he has been wanting a watch for very long since his adidas one was spoiled. i dowana get it for him cos his ex once gave him a watch. i wana be special. i wana do wad others have not done. :D we stayed at fareast from 5 til 7+ 8. he was looking for his shorts, while i was considering which vests and jeans t buy. in the end, i brought home only a top.
shop shop shop. had some tiramisu and bo luo bao at taka b4 we finally boarded 14 outside LP ard 9.45pm. my legs were wobbly when i reached the bus-top. heels can kill. thinking of this, luckily i've changed it to a shorter one b4 i've left the house. otherwise i bet i can't walk tml.
omg, tml is eng tuition. HELP. i need some sourheads to give myself that stinging sensation. i cant teach him like tt at e rate he is reading. think i'm gonna train him to speed read. hmmm...

-how come my eyeliner look unbalance?
-extra person behind.
- <3> -the siew mai he'd "accidentally dropped on the floor"
-my hiding place
-the spitted-out
-finally it did not look as if there were so much left-overs.
these were not all of what we ate. once the plate was cleared, the waitress will keep them away.
-i was tying my hair.
-his green apple juice.
- mydinosaur's fave pic?
-this looks like indian kinda stuff):
-grrr. i kinda regrta getting it.
-how come i don't have this kinda cert when i took nafa?
-facial facial.
should i get my red pumps?
with love,

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