Thursday, February 4, 2010


My room is in a mess. And I cant stand it. Not that I'm in my room right now. But I've been tahan-ing the mess in the room. The causes of the mess.

1. CHERYLKOHYANLIN has tons of project work and assignments.
2. She doesnt put her stuffs back after she uses them.
3. Like me, she changes bag like she changes clothes.
4. So she puts her not-my-choice-today bag at whichever corner she finds.
5. I cleaned 1 shelve for her to put her stuffs but she just stacks her things.
6. After using her accessories, she doesnt put them back onto the hanger.
7. I clean the rubbish dump every 3 days when it is filled with her unwanted notes.
8. She puts her bag on top of the extended circuit, but takes it off after I scream at her.
9. I cant clear it for her cos she wont know where her stuffs will be. (Not that she knows exactly where are all her stuffs)
10. She throws her worn/unworn clothes into the closet.
11. She doesnt keep her bed, making me trip in the morning when I step on it. (When she's awake already la.)

I'm not saying I'm a super tidy person myself. I throw some of my clothes in my closet too, but they are CLEAN. I dont always make my bed but I pick my soft toys or bolster when they fall off. I put back stuffs to wherever they belong to.

Cant wait for her to clean up her stuffs. I'm so gonna nag at you starting from today. This morning I wanted to but fortunately for you, I was rushing out. So if you are reading this, please start packing up your things! We are just 10 days to CNY.

I dowan my weekends to be listening to non-stop hits. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.

I think I am crazy.

And the sleepy bug is in me now.

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