The days before Nationals were… needless to say, stressful. I’ve never flown so much in my cheerleading life; let’s not talk about 2nd basing. 2nd basing is so much easier though there will always be unavoidable bruises.
I remembered the first time Citra asked me to go up there to do a chin-chin. I did a Michael Jackson move. 21st Jan 2010 embarks the date when I did my first chin-chin. And I only did scorpion for like maybe 10 times, which I practiced for a performance.
Obviously from the video, I was balancing. :/ To be frank, I didn’t have any confidence in my bases.
I learned and grow to believe in my team members. And when I ‘fell’, I believed I will be in safe hands. Once, sue caught me, by herself. She was my crash mat, and both of us fell. My eyes were closed as there weren’t any front spotters. In fact, I was prepared to hit my face. Words just can’t express the joy when I hit some flesh instead of the soft yet hard mats.
There were times too when xinyi caught me. She's so small, so tiny, and sometimes had to be on her knees to lessen my impact of those slips.
I remembered evidently which I slipped off twice, with no catchers. And the last time was so hard that it actually got me thinking if I should fly again.
Hey, but this is cheerleading. Of course, safety shouldn’t be neglected. But accidents are bound to happen. I have to be strong, for myself, for my group, for my team.
At the end of the training, I stood up again, and did what I love to, 2nd basing, and instantly, it brought me up. I thought to myself, “This is my opportunity to step ahead, to gain my confidence, to grow as a cheerleader.”
I remembered the happy times during training. It wasn't the times when I hit my first full up, nor when I did my first chinchin, or when I did full or double down. It was when I went back the next few trainings and was able to do what I did the last training. It was when I did my double down the previous training, and improved it to a chinchin 1 1/2 down. LOL. And hit derrick's shoulder which resulted in my disgusting ulcers.
It was also when the bhs was easy-peasy, the straddle full up was sharp. The happiest times were when we did the high-superlow-tick tock effortlessly. No compensation can be made with just a single slip.
Somehow when we Jay started giving out the Nationals tees, I felt the anxiety. Nationals IS coming.
Full Dress Rehearsal
- Then, we were shaky, just 1 day before the actual thing. And this mini circle of life lifted us up. Stunts kept falling for I dont know what reasons. But this managed to change everything.
We went home happily. Had tauhuay for dinner with the rest, and xinyi went home with me. I stole pics from xinyi's blog. :p OK, excuse my messy kitchen. :/
We tossed and turned. Slept in several positions. The moment we closed our eyes, it was "LET'S Go! How many people can do it like me ZERO!"
My alarm went at 5.15am. We got ready, and were off to go!
PS: I'll be back soon!
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