Friday, February 6, 2009

aim for the better, option b. ;p

I forgot to mention about gary & I didnt realise. Not that I forgot about him but just somehow missed him out. So...THANK YOU GARY.
You've recovered so you better take care cos I'm waiting for your ROBHSLO. For now, perfect ROBHSBT first.
&&&, yes, i know your curry beef rice lar. Walk up to hands plus your walk up to ext. But i've only promised 1 week curry beef rice for walk up to hands ar. LOL!

Supposed to take my re-quiz today but I woke up at 10.40 when the test is at 10am. ROAR. It's not because i'm a bum, but i studied till ard 5am and that explains why I overslept.
Washed up and cabbed to np to meet superman. Acc-ed him to sinseh. Bukit Panjang is like his Pasir Ris. Anyway, I didnt know that there were fajar road, dairy farm road ehem ehem & some others with funny names.
His sinseh cut his foot lar. Yea, used a blade and slashed his ankle. & the best part is, I missed the whole slashing process. :/ When I turned, he was using the pump to suck out the 'dirty' blood. Yewkkkk!
Glad that he's alright now. Waiting for superman to tumble eh. Hee. New era, new superman. Superman who doesnt fly but tumbles. Heeee.

Headed to Lot 1 for lunch & he went back for training, while I headed back to sch. Was supposed to meet Larry & Paul ard 5 but the expressway was jammed. Grrr... finally reached sch at 635pm for gyming cos the meeting was postponed to next monday.

Gotta go to cgh now(:

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