Sunday, October 28, 2007

saggi & virgo

i'm not totally about horoscope. but somehow, i find them interesting as some of e pts do match my characteristics.

They have a compelling need to feel free.


Compatibility Score - 5/10

Your two moon signs form an angle of 90 degrees and are said to be in a Square aspect. There may be many challenges in this relationship. A compromise is needed from one of you to overcome the bad feeling you may have on each other. You may share little understanding and opinion, your Moon signs indicate that you are not particularly well matched.
Sagittarius is typically a Moon sign of enthusiasm, friendliness and sociability that does not like being held down, while a Virgo Moon is very practical, modest, instinctive and usually quiet. The Virgo Moon would have to accept the charm and flightiness of the Sagittarius Moon for this relationsihp to be sucessful.

The Sagittarius love of freedom and change may prove too much for the meticulous Virgo cosmopolitan. The Sagittarius male could easily fall in love with the Virgo female. Her neat and clean ways intrigues him , but once he is married, he may soon find that he got more than he bargained for. He finds that the things that he liked most before he got married put him in a straight jacket after marriage. If its one thing a Sagittarius does not like its bickering and a Virgo will find plenty to bicker about.
(ok, i admit i am stubborn. & tt's why we always quarrel)
The differences here are like day and night. Virgo with his/her eye on today and what needs to be done and Sagittarius with their eye on tomorrow and what they'd like to be doing. Not all bad but difficult to reconcile.

i'm gona overcome my stubborness!

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