Left house at 6am with Xinyi to pick Shane and Andra. Meeting time: 6.30am.
- New socks! Everybody had the same socks!
- Early morning do what jump la jay! -.-
- Our eye make-up! Thank you ALIFF! :D
- It kinda fits the latest trend eh? Animal preeenz. LOL.
- Patient number 2: Michelle Koh
- Group stunts
- The japan cheerleaders were super enthu!!
- YEC people and the cheer mum!
- Lenny had the time to camwhore. :/
And the cheer begin...
- dont we all love citra's expressions?
Individual photos with members. Not everybody taken cos all were eating. :/
- I didnt know stupid fee's face was behind until i uploaded it.
- the bella wannabe.
- I didnt know your eyes are so small. :p - this selvam dont know where he looking. TSK.
- with Blazers and ex blazers' members
Are you ready?!?
- SO SUPER HAPPY when the heelstretch went up.
- No Y-heelstretch cos not on timing, went straight to chin. wooohooo!
- Did you have goosebumps when you saw this?
- Thank you thank you!
- >400 points!
- and shyen can do chinchin!! With xinyi's leg. LOL! But look like shoulder shoulder eh. Her face so small.
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