Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thanks for destroying the values that I have in it. Thanks for destroying my confidence when I've just regained it. Seriously, THANK YOU.
Not forgetting, yea, I always knew that I don't have that much respect. By doing so, my conclusion is, you all don't give a damn shit about how I feel. Insensitive I would say.
And no, it's not a joke. Not at all funny.
Visuals much
Marche treat day (BY ME)
- that plate of vegetables were too hard for me to bite):
- The leftovers. & the only gasy drink I will drink besides 100plus. I want that potato strips in mushroon sauce. I shall make my own version. :D
- our healthy picnic. Strawberries, grapes, sushi, turkey ham. - this is how cute my dumb boyfriend is.
One of the random Blazers training + my gym day
- bryan looks gay with my phone. HAHAHHA.
Meeting at ah chew and coffee shop.
Dinner with Xinyi (Pictures stolen from her blog)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
PS: i wana be bones.
Friday, March 26, 2010
So super happy la! and gan cheong.
Next up, interview preparations. As it's the interview through non academic program, I think I sorta have to be prepared on what they're gonna ask.
The very FAQ is "Tell me more about yourself." Another qns that I'm sure they are gonna ask is "Why did you choose these courses?", "What do you do for your CCAs?"
Butterflies are flying in soon again. GCY, tell me what the panel asked you! :D
Thursday, March 25, 2010
1st National Cheerleading Championship
Left house at 6am with Xinyi to pick Shane and Andra. Meeting time: 6.30am.
- New socks! Everybody had the same socks!
- Early morning do what jump la jay! -.-
- Our eye make-up! Thank you ALIFF! :D
- It kinda fits the latest trend eh? Animal preeenz. LOL.
- Patient number 2: Michelle Koh
- Group stunts
- The japan cheerleaders were super enthu!!
- YEC people and the cheer mum!
- Lenny had the time to camwhore. :/
And the cheer begin...
- dont we all love citra's expressions?
Individual photos with members. Not everybody taken cos all were eating. :/
- I didnt know stupid fee's face was behind until i uploaded it.
- the bella wannabe.
- I didnt know your eyes are so small. :p - this selvam dont know where he looking. TSK.
- with Blazers and ex blazers' members
Are you ready?!?
- SO SUPER HAPPY when the heelstretch went up.
- No Y-heelstretch cos not on timing, went straight to chin. wooohooo!
- Did you have goosebumps when you saw this?
- Thank you thank you!
- >400 points!
- and shyen can do chinchin!! With xinyi's leg. LOL! But look like shoulder shoulder eh. Her face so small.